We can provide all floral and decor elements needed for weddings, parties, and events. Vases, candles, linens, and other supplies are available to rent or purchase.
Our services include:
• Consultation with an estimate for your review and fresh floral samples designed for your event
• Delivery to event location
• Complete set-up
• Pin on of all boutonnieres and corsages
• Pick-up and cleaning of all glassware
• Complimentary service for sponsored program, Caring Blooms (Reworking of fresh flowers into small bedside arrangements for the Sharon Richardson Hospice in Sheboygan Falls)
Due to the custom nature of our events business, our ability to make single local deliveries is on a case-by case basis. Please contact Floral Essence to check availability.
Yes, having an extensive network of floral wholesalers and growers ensures that we’re capable of sourcing exquisite flowers for events in South-eastern Wisconsin.
Please visit the contact page to e-mail, or call to discuss what you’re looking for
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